Thursday, March 31, 2011

Discounts and Cookies

Another part of the TT discount glitch is that the discounts are overridden by cookies unless you continue to enter the TT site through your financial institution. Be forewarned, you will have to remove cookies if you ever go directly to TT. Then, you will need to log in again from your financial institution's site.

It happened again

I just logged on and saw that my fees jumped from $50 and change to $67 and change. Turbotax has still not fixed this glitch in their system, it is irritating, and it should lose them customers.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

TurboTax has a problem

TurboTax advertises discounts through financial institutions, but be careful. TurboTax giveth and TT takes away. One day the discount is applied and on another day the discount is taken away. The TT answer is to continue to log in through the financial institution (which is stupid to begin with) and the discount will be reapplied (which it wasn't).

I encourage all TT users who have experienced this problem to tell your story here.